Help menu's search bar now searches Vim documentation as well! See #1095. If you would like to help, please use #1102 to coordinate with MacVim dev team. There still exists a few menu items that are not localized, and the general MacVim GUI is not localized as well. You can use set langmenu=none to turn it off if you would like. Menus are now localized, see :h langmenu for how Vim menu localization works.
It works for now, but it will be removed in a future update as it has known bugs. The old renderer is accessible either through the Preference Pane (under Advanced) or by setting the defaults "MMRenderer" to 0.
With this change, the non-Core-Text renderer is now considered deprecated. Thanks to Sidney San Martín ( for the contribution. The Core Text renderer has been rewritten and is now much faster! Scrolling should not stutter and lag like before and generally it should feel a lot smoother now. Renderer / scrolling performance improvements Note that these characters are specific to macOS and would not work in other platforms.
SF Symbol characters will show up properly as double-width as most of these icons would take up more than one column. Fixed Touch Bar warnings when launching MacVim from the terminal. MacVim now has an updated app icon ( #1054), and preference pane / toolbars have been updated to match Big Sur's interface guidelines. Note: This release doesn't natively support Apple Silicon / M1 yet, but does work under Rosetta. Not launch on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or below. This release (r169) is a minor update to fix the issue that r168 would Script interfaces have compatibility with these versions: Ruby is now built against 3.0, up from 2.7. Fixed balloon APIs ( balloon_show() / balloon_gettext()) so plugins relying on them should now work. This new setting allows MacVim to behave in the old way, since some fonts have large line height that the user may not want to use. r168 introduced a new renderer which changed the behavior for how font's line height works – instead of ignoring it, the new renderer respects the line height of the font. Added an option to ignore font's line height. This release contains some additional logging to help dignose the issue and we are still looking to root cause it. If you see that, please report that to #1164.
There is currently a known issue in rendering where after plugging/unplugging an external monitor, or waking from sleep when connected to a monitor, there is a small chance MacVim will stop drawing text. #1171 Known Issues Text invisible after plugging in monitor or waking from sleep
#509įixed small bug in Touch Bar's full screen button sometimes not being updated correctly. This feature allows you to limit only expand horizontally or vertically when using non-native full screen to help focus on the content, see :help fuopt.
Fixed non-native full screen's fuopt setting. Also, fixed misc issues with non-native full screen not drawing at the right offset. Fixed non-native full screen to properly hide the menu / dock when used on a secondary screen. Non-native full screen now has an option to show menu bar when it's active (under Appearance preference pane). For non-native full screen, you could set MMFullScreenFadeTime to a non-zero value to still get the animation back. Removed the fade-to-black animation when transition to full screen, as they were distracting and looked jarring. If you don't use Homebrew, or installed language runtimes under other folders, you would need to set python3dll/ luadll/ rubydll in your vimrc. With this release, MacVim will still search those folders under Intel / x86-64 builds, but under Apple Silicon / M1, MacVim will search under /opt/homebrew/ instead, which is the default folder for Homebrew under Apple Silicon. If you rely on Python/Ruby/Lua integration, note that previously MacVim by default searches the /usr/local/ path for installed language runtimes. You could use :version while in MacVim to tell whether you are running in Rosetta / Intel or Apple Silicon by seeing whether it says x86_64 or arm64. if you only installed Python 3 in Rosetta and use plugins that use Python), you could run MacVim under Rosetta. #MACVIM COMMAND LINE MAC#
MacVim's binary release now fully supports Apple Silicon! If you have an M1 Mac you should notice MacVim being more snappy and smoother. My apologies! Next few releases should be more frequent.